KORE3023. Korean writing 2 or KORE3024. English-Korean translation: Practical skills or KORE3025. Korean for business or KORE3037. Korean language through media or KORE3040. Presenting opinions in Korean or KORE4003. Advanced Korean: presentation and media analysis
Capstone Experience Course
As the capstone course of the Korean language programme, this course provides students with the opportunity to do an in-depth analysis of an approved topic and format, i.e. research paper, documentary video, presentation, etc., of their choice, integrating the language skills and cultural knowledge they have acquired during their studies. These individually supervised projects must be in Korean.
Students are required to obtain their supervisor’s approval for the topic, the research plan, and the details of the format for the project that they wish to conduct at the beginning of the course. Contact hours are minimal because students spend much of their time on the individual project.